What is it?

Looking through my journals and email, I found out that I was wishing for a lot of good things to happen. I claimed to be “hoping,” but I did not/could not be confident the desired outcome would happen. That is not what hope is about. Hope is more than wishing. [Want to know more? Click here.]

Thursday, June 28, 2012

King of the Mountain

One who possesses supreme or ultimate power. The fancy word for this is “sovereign.” One definition called it “Super Power.”
Biblically, that means God, the Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be His Name. Yet, I want to try to have that kind of control. I want to be God with the ultimate power. I want to be in control. In Psalm 47 the Psalmist calls God the “King of the mountain.” That brought to mind images from my childhood when we would play a game called King of the Mountain. The object was to be the one on top, holding all attackers off the mountain. Sometimes the mountain would be a playground structure, a snow hill, or the family room couch. The “King” would throw snow at, push, and/or pull to keep any attacker from gaining the top and pushing the King off. The game lasted until there were no more attackers. Until everyone had surrendered.
In God’s realm, all attacks are worthless, because He is the Sovereign King holding off all would be kings. But we still play the game and strive for the top. The game continues on. And I’m right there with all the other foolish attackers, thinking I can gain some advantage, and become the Sovereign King over my own life. I am not able to push or pull God out of the place of supreme or ultimate power, but I keep trying. The result is I grow weary and give up for a time; but I have not surrendered. I live to fight another day.
There are so many areas in my life where I need to become willing to surrender the fight and rest at the foot of the mountain, under the protection of the Supreme King. Recently I’ve resumed the fight again in one area: Dietary restrictions and insulin dosing. I want to be in control. But, all the striving in the world will not give me the control I want. I haven’t yet learned how to surrender to the sovereignty of God in this area. So for another day, the game of King of the Mountain continues.

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