What is it?

Looking through my journals and email, I found out that I was wishing for a lot of good things to happen. I claimed to be “hoping,” but I did not/could not be confident the desired outcome would happen. That is not what hope is about. Hope is more than wishing. [Want to know more? Click here.]

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Immovable Faith

Tuesday’s reading for 40 Days in the Word was Mark 5:21 - 43. It contained two stories. One was about Jairus's daughter being ill (then dead), and the other about the hemorrhaging woman touching Jesus' robe.

Jairus, even after being told to stop bothering Jesus because his daughter had died, believed Jesus could and would act. He trusted Jesus while everyone around him was saying it was too late. Neither the crowd, nor those he was personally acquainted with, nor relatives could sway Jairus’ confidence in Jesus. He listened when Jesus said, "Trust Me."

The hemorrhaging woman sneaks up behind Jesus desiring to touch His robe. She's praying and thinking that all it will take is to just touch His robe. There were lots of people touching His robe, jostling, pushing, reaching out to Jesus, but none of them were healed. But, this woman! Healed instantly and Jesus knew it had happened ("Jesus felt energy discharging from Him . . ." vs. 30). But He wasn't cross or upset or ready to shame anyone. He wanted to verbally bless the one He had just healed. He wanted to recognize her for her faith. She stepped forward when He asked in spite of her fear and shame. She did not let her disbelief (or the disbelief of all those "touching" Jesus and not getting healed) sway her from acknowledging her faith.

Both these people experienced God's power through Jesus when disbelief was all around them. They had faith that was steadfast, immovable. Not like mine full of doubt and despair. I don't trust Jesus to heal. I don't believe He will – He hasn't yet, right? But I haven't approached it from the place of steadfast faith and trust either.

At the end of every 40 Days in the Word assignment there’s a section to write out a prayer based on the lessons learned and the application made. My prayer centered on getting beyond my self-reliance and self-trust – but I do not feel anymore ready to trust than before. A huge amount of repentance is in order but I don't have that either. Taking things into my own hands is still my chosen, automatic course, even while I know it is stupid to think doing the same thing over again, expecting different results, will solve anything.

1 comment:

Randy Ebert said...

Thank you Mary. I love your writing.