What is it?

Looking through my journals and email, I found out that I was wishing for a lot of good things to happen. I claimed to be “hoping,” but I did not/could not be confident the desired outcome would happen. That is not what hope is about. Hope is more than wishing. [Want to know more? Click here.]

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Adoration vs. Thanksgiving

At this time of year we hear a lot about being thankful. In AA November is “Gratitude Month.” We think about the things we are grateful for and give thanks. And giving thanks to God is appropriate this time of year. However, we are told to be thankful all year long and doing so can relieve anxiety all year long (Philippians 4:6, 7).
So giving thanks for all the things that God has given us or seen us through is commanded of us, but an often forgotten element of our worship of God is praise and adoration – not for what He’s done, but for Who He is. God deserves our praise and adoration even if He has never and will never do anything for us. His character traits and power deserve our praise. Just think of the work of creation. What power that took. How creative the Creator is. He is beautiful beyond our imaginations. He is supreme ruler over all the earth and the people in it. His glory and majesty greatly surpass a brilliant sunset or the heights of the mountains. We do not have the words to describe Who He is. Our attempts make Him pleased, but they are feeble compared to the reality of His personhood.
I try to practice praise and adoration every morning and throughout the day. Sometimes I forget that I’m doing it just because He is and not for what He’s done. In part, that’s because His character traits make it impossible for Him not to be involved in our lives. He’s merciful and exercises mercy toward us. His lovingkindness is everlasting as He moves in our lives. He is totally trustworthy and that means we can trust Him to keep His promises. He is a righteous judge so He will make wise decisions toward us. He will discipline us for falling short of His commandments, but in His mercy He will forgive us. I have to remember that even if He did not involve Himself in my life, He is worthy of praise. I have to remember that even if He kept Himself only in the heavens, He is worthy of my honor. I have to remember that even if He was only watching from heaven, He is worthy of my adoration.
However, the truth is He is involved, He is not isolated in heaven, and He is instrumental our lives. That is consistent with His character and is how He’s done things since the beginning of time.
Praise, adore, and worship Him this season of thanksgiving. Not for what He’s done, but for Who He is.

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