What is it?

Looking through my journals and email, I found out that I was wishing for a lot of good things to happen. I claimed to be “hoping,” but I did not/could not be confident the desired outcome would happen. That is not what hope is about. Hope is more than wishing. [Want to know more? Click here.]

Thursday, July 4, 2019

July 4, 2019

Patriotic ideas reel around this date in American historical annuls. There were issues of patriotism in the Israel of David’s era as well. Who would the people support? David and be forced to flee Jerusalem? Or Absalom and reign in Jerusalem rebelling against God’s anointed king?
Just like in our day and age, pretty sounding words and decisive actions drew people to Absalom. The people were drawn to king Saul in the same way. Absalom appeared as a kingly figure. Absalom did things to please and sway the people. Underlying those actions was self-aggrandizement going on. Absalom was seeking to better his reputation, influence and power over the state of Israel. He felt he deserved the right to rule. He’d been planning it for a long time (all the way back to when he killed his half-brother, Amnon, to eliminate the competition for the throne).
As we live in America today, we need to be evaluating those that wish to lead our nation. Are they using pretty sounding words? Are they appealing to the vanity of different people groups? What are their true motives? Does their plans really aid our nation as a whole or just certain segments of our society? I realize, as I struggle to get real answers to these questions myself, that it seems impossible to evaluate those in leadership in our country on a national scale. We find ourselves forced into “reading between the lines” and looking for “off-the-record” comments to determine what’s real. I feel powerless to know for certain what is right, although I do have my opinions.
So, I do what I can. I pray – a lot. I learn to apply Scripture to my own actions and try to evaluate whether the behavior of these would-be leaders agree with Scripture’s commands. And, I bring it closer to home. I look at local leaders I can get to know for myself (instead of relying on Facebook or newspapers). I apply the Scriptural commands to their ideas and behaviors. Furthermore, I look at my church leaders. How are they measuring up? And I ask myself, and pray some more, about what I can or should be doing to uphold the principles of God. In my own life, in the life of local leaders, and in the way I vote.
That’s what I’m thinking about on this 4th of July. This is what I’m praying about on this 4th of July. I desire to be patriotic, but my heart longs to be right with God.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love this one Mary, thank you! So thankful to be an American where we can worship Jesus.Chris